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S D Group of Institutions, Faridabad

Membership of Library:

The Library at the SDGI is established primarily for the use of its full time/ regular students and for all its teaching, technical and workshop staff whether adhoc, probationary, temporary, part-time, contractual or permanent.

Rules & Regulations of Library:

Categories of members Max. No. of Books Max. Period of Loan Late Fine(@per day)
All Teaching Staff & Workshop Staff up to the level of Lecturer 6 One Semester (upto Last day of exam only) Rs.10
Non-Teaching Staff(Lab, W/S, Admin) 2 One Semester (upto Last day of exam only) Rs.10
Regular Students(2nd year to Final year) 6(up to 10 on request) 14 Days only Rs.10
Regular Students(1st year only) 6 One Semester(Book Bank) (upto Last day of exam only) Rs.10 Per day

A book will be lent out to the borrower only on producing identity card before library staff, failing which the borrower will not be issued any kind of document. A member shall obtain a clearance certificate for refund of caution money only after surrendering his/her library card and paying any outstanding dues against his/her name.

The Librarian has the right/authority to adjust the refundable security deposit of any student against any outstanding due to the library from such student(s).

The Librarian has the right to recall any book from any member at any time, if so required.

Loss/Mutilation of Books:

Code of Conduct of Library:

  1. Members shall maintain silence and not engage in audible conversation in any part of the library.
  2. A person shall not sleep, smoke or spit in any part of the library.
  3. A person shall not write upon, damage, mutilate or mark any book belonging to the library.
  4. Consumption of food, alcoholic beverages and intoxicants of any nature whatsoever is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  5. Use of cellular phones and any other electronic/ battery operated gadget in the Library is strictly prohibited.
  6. All members and their personal belongings including Library books issued to them are subject to a search/check by the library staff at the Library entrance.
  7. No personal book or belonging shall be allowed to be taken inside the library without the permission of the librarian.
  8. Any infringement of the library rules will render the privilege of admission and of borrowing books from the Library liable to cancellation.
  9. The Director/principal/Chief Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership privilege of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or for indecent behavior.

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